Shakira – Business Woman, singer, dancer, song writer, musician, live performer

She is All in One – Business Woman, singer, dancer, song writer, musician, live performer, record producer, model, philanthropist, representative of UNICEF, advisor to US President, etc. He is beautiful, young, rich, well-known, but he is also humble, hardworking, kind and dignified. More than that, he is intelligent and accustomed to tell the truth. The word ‘item’ is probably shorter than them. Nobel literature winner Gabriel Garcia Merkage claims that you cannot think of anyone else in Shakira’s show. She has received many accolades like Grammy, Golden Globe. Shakira did not become any such Shakira. Sources of his success:

Public engagement is necessary

As a folk dancer and belly dancer, Shakira earned a name and a name and made her music so intoxicating that she was more obsessed than listening. Shakira loves to dance barefoot and enjoys motivating people to dance with her. She wants to see more of her lights on the audience during the stage show and after understanding her mood, she keeps giving her presentation a new look every moment. Despite accusations of stupidity, he is loved by millions. Their reach is global. Whenever she is on stage, the music hater is also in a mood to snort. When she goes on stage to perform, then she uses not only her tongue and mind but also the language of the whole body.

Consider the body as a temple

The most important and important time of Shakira’s routine is to pay attention to her body and to her chakri. Whether it is exercise or to implement a strictly followed diet plan, Shakira does not allow even a single change in it. There is no day when they have ignored their daily workouts. She eats rich salads and eats fatty foods. Stay away from smoking, sweets – chocolate and non-vegetarians. Vegetarianism is his priority. Shakira does not drink alcohol, even avoiding caffeinated coffee. Sleeping on time (other than programs) is his habit. His workouts include every part of the body.

Complete dedication to work

Shakira remains completely devoted to her work. She has also lived every moment of her art. Be it writing or singing songs, directing videos or editing, dance composition or post production, she works by drowning in them. They take care of everything like what to wear, what not to wear and how to do makeup, when, how much and with whom to rehearse. Many true and false stories are published in the media about Shakira, but she behaves differently towards him and never loses her temper.

Believe in perfection

Shakira, 34, has been dancing and dancing for 26 years. But all the work she does, in a full-hearted and cool way. Like Aamir Khan, she is a perfect addict. For this, she has to interfere in the director’s work, she does. You have to write the song yourself, learn a second language, help the musician, Shakira puts in every task and with full enthusiasm. She does not sing songs for Diljoi, she sings for people and lives in music. Whether she is performing folk dance or belly dance, singing in any corner of the world, her perfection effort remains the same. A few years ago, Shakira felt that she had become a bit fat, so she worked hard and lost weight.

Keep your opinion clear

Shakira does not believe in talking freely. Whatever he said, he told Babaki. He openly admitted that I do not go anywhere without makeup, because I am a woman. He never tried to describe himself as American, because he is Colombian. He never felt any hesitation on his tone of speaking English. They say that ugly truth is more important than beautiful lies. He never tried to hide anything about his personal life. She says my life is like a glass of water filled glass, completely transparent. She did not hide her relationship with Antonio de la Rua and when she parted from him, she did not.

Money is not only important

Shakira’s sources of income include live shows, films, music record-album sales, and the business of her name’s products, advertisements, etc. She also dances with private events. How much she earns from this can be gauged from the fact that she took a fee of one crore euros for the show at a wedding (then one euro was 63 rupees, which is equivalent to 63 crore rupees in Indian currency). On the contrary, she does not allow tickets for shows for millions of people in her country. Shakira donates millions of dollars every year, somewhere to school, and elsewhere to healthcare. Shakira has also kept her intellect iron. She has also lectured as a guest speaker at Oxford University. During the speech, Shakira said, “I want to see how the youth of 2060 see us: our mission to establish world peace involves sending 30,000 teachers to Afghanistan instead of 30,000 soldiers.”

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Updated: June 27, 2021 — 2:10 pm

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